Monday, 8 October 2012

On the seventh day ……..

Sunday October 7th

 Not a lot to report today.  This week had been very busy and I was ready for a day chilling, which is what I did.  I read my Kindle most of the morning and then this afternoon I took my latest student down to the sea for his second swimming lesson.  I loaned him my goggles and without the need to surface to wipe the salt out of his eyes he progressed rapidly.  He has decided that breast stroke is easier than ‘doggie paddle’ and by the end of my thirty minute limit out in the sun, he was confidently swimming about ten metres.  I am sure some would quote Woody and call it ‘drowning with style’ but it looked good to me.  A family of Tanzanian Asians had driven down from Tanga to use the YMCA grounds for a picnic and some of the younger ones joined us and were still playing with Deo when I came off the beach. It appears they come regularly and give the YMCA a good donation to put out plastic chairs and a table overlooking the sea (and I get all this thrown in!).


I did though find time to wander round and take a few shots of what is still going to be home for the next two months so if you are interested look below:-

The first view - No Masai guards here

The main office/kitchen with Mama Gladness and Lucy

 The main building looking back showing the lounge

The lounge and at the far end where I eat.  
There is a dining room in the middle of the building but with only me here....

The hall - used for weddings etc and due to have walls sometime soon

The YMCA Logo in bushes - Mama Gladness loves her garden

The New block in the background where I live.  
In the foreground is where Mama Gladness, Eva, and Vicky live

The Bandas.  These look nice but they have no fan so I'll stay where I am thanks.

There you are, hope that wasn't too boring but not every day can be an epiphany, I don't think my constitution could cope.


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