Tuesday, 9 October 2012


Monday October 8th

Form IV started their final examinations today with Civics this morning and English Language this afternoon.  The whole process is taken completely out of the hands of the school and the education authority send an invigilator to oversee the whole exercise.  Stationed outside the hall to assist and be available to supervise toilet visits etc are, wait for it, two members of the police in full khaki.  Wouldn’t Pat Cuthbert love that, for those of you with a knowledge of Carleton High.  I asked  them if I could take a picture so that I could show you but got a curt hapana (no) from the female officer.  I will work my charms over the next ten days and try to win them over so you can see the security that is used to make sure the exam process is a fair one.  Certainly one of the boys was a bit late this morning and got a real ‘dressing down’ before being asked to empty his pockets completely for a check.  Keen stuff.

My day was Maths and computing again and some time with Hillaly after school so that when I got home I was hungry and tired.

A bit of personal information is needed here I’m afraid.  All my life, ever since childhood, I have never particularly liked fish or in fact anything that comes out of the sea.  Unfortunately all my life I seem to have been drawn to places around the world that are famous for their seafood whether in France, Italy, Spain or further afield the speciality of the house has always seemed to smell of brine.  Because there is usually a good menu provided, I have so far managed to shirk my responsibility to educate my taste buds and opted for the easy option.  So, when I decide to spend three months in a centre where the right of way for the fishermen and their nets runs right through the establishment I thought the time has finally come to ‘bite the bullet’ or rather scale.  It has been made easier since, unless a trip to Tanga produces a chuck, the alternative would be beef every night.  So every other night when the dreaded question is heard, “You want beef or fish?” I’ve gritted my teeth and muttered ,”Fish please” , but then to ‘soften the blow’ have opted for chips rather than rice.  Until last night.  The offering was fish cooked in a coconut milk sauce and as I’d just seen Deo knock the coconut of the tree and Eva purchase part of a fisherman’s catch I though “Why not.” So that was it then fish with rice.  I’d like to end the story on a real high proclaiming the beauty of the dish and my total conversion to a piscine diet, but all I can say is, “The sauce was nice, and I ate all the fish.”  I still wait in hope for my ‘Road to Damascus’ moment.


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