Tuesday October 9th
With so many positive things to say about this trip, with
the students’ reactions coming out top of the list, I must admit there are also
negatives to this adventure. The speed
and reliability of the Internet is a constant cause of frustration as I depend
upon it so much, if nothing more than to communicate with my small band of readers. Mosquitos are an obvious nuisance although as I am in the habit of wearing long
trousers, socks and shoes for school, I wear the same after sundown and so give
as little of a target as possible. That,
spraying, and constantly tucking the net under the mattress have reduced
although not eliminated the bites. Until
this morning those, plus of course THE HILL were the only negatives.
And then today… ants.
There are always ants around; quite small ones that scurry
around on the path in front of my room.
The path is down a step from the patio and we have developed a clear
understanding. If they stay on their
level, they are quite safe to go about their work with no interference. If they come up a level to my patio, it’s
simple, they die. It’s worked quite well
so far and I think the message is getting across, one or two play chicken by
skirting along the very edge of the step but they usually drop down a level
again after a harsh word.
Ants clambering over each other to get down the step
This morning though when I went across for my breakfast,
there was not the odd ant running around but a veritable invasion of thousands
of the things. These were not the little
ones that I was used to; these were large ones, and not individuals, but
marching in two solid files. They
entered at the kitchen went across the corner of the room, up onto the draining
board, back down again and out of the kitchen. Their journey then took them across the dining
room out into the lounge and finally down the step and into the garden. My mind went to the story Miranda, Cliff’s
mother, used to tell me about Zambia where you opened the front and back door
and just let the ants through. Needless
to say I walked very carefully around and over the marching columns, possibly
not as carefully as Eva and Deo who both had sandals and bare feet. I took a few photographs and showed them to
my students and the general comment was, “Dangerous, don’t mess”. Thankfully, I arrived home after school to
find a complete absence of the creatures and when I asked Eva what had happened
she laconically replied, “They have gone”.
Obviously the ant at the head of the column must have decided there were
better pickings elsewhere. I hope this
doesn’t point my way or I will have to rethink my ‘live and let live’ policy.
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