Monday December 4th
Well, I woke this morning and stretched in all directions to
see if there was any sign of that tightness indicative of sun burn and am
delighted to report that all seems well.
As I have no mirror, I can’t testify that I don’t look like a lobster
but at least as I pulled my shirt on after my shower, I did so without an
accompanying scream.
Not a lot happening at school today. The students are just waiting for their
reports to be ‘topped and tailed’ and then tomorrow morning will be the end of
year awards ceremony, so, as I needed to go to Pangani, I left mid-morning to
cycle back to Mkoma Bay. When I got
there I ensured I was well covered, had factor 50 on any bits that weren’t;
ensured also that Chita was well and truly tethered and set off down the beach
to Pangani.
The walk was beautiful but uneventful and certainly quicker
without the need to constantly back-track to try to shake of an unwanted
follower. As I approached Pangani I
looked back over the empty acres of sand behind me, washed by the ocean and
under a baking sun, and thought about the opportunities that exist for tourist
income in this part of the country, if they could develop the required
transport links.
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Pangani beach. One o'clock in the afternoon. |
I had gone to Pangani to obtain a laminated print-out of a
picture I had taken of Mr Mmari. I think
he is planning to frame it and put it on the wall of his new house as the start
of a genealogical line. It certainly has
the imperious look.
As I entered the market place on my way home the leaky bus
from an earlier post, pulled in and disembarked its passengers. Having spent 45 minutes on Saturday in Tanga
waiting for the same bus to fill up before setting off, I wasn’t in the mood to
do the same at this end of the road, so I looked round for a pikipiki. By the way, I now find that although a
pikipiki is a motorbike, the term used for one that carries passengers for hire
is a bodaboda. Whether this comes from
the engine noise or what, I don’t know, but anyway I found a bodaboda willing
to take me for Tsh 2000 and with my usual request, “Mimi Babu; pole pole” I had
a steady journey home.
A quiet evening watching DVDs of Tanzanian gospel songs so
time to look at another question from Cliff,
“What advice would I give to anyone wanting to volunteer.”
Number one. If I hadn’t had Denis I would have really
struggled. If you are going to try and
do this by yourself, without the aid of an agency I don’t know how you would
manage if you didn’t have someone on the ground to contact. I’ve made no secret of the incredible helper
and friend that Denis has been whilst I have been in Pangani but his
involvement started well before that. He
was my main, not to say only, contact with the schools over here as a
combination of poor phone lines, poor hearing and poor English/Swahili led to
many frustrating calls and at one stage I came close to calling the whole thing
It’s not a cheap experience.
Life over here is certainly inexpensive and I can easily get by on £100
a week for board, food and ‘spends’ and, as you have seen, I have an excellent
life style, but the cost of setting the trip up was expensive. The cost starts with the air flight but
continues with health insurance which is expensive, especially if you have a
history like I have. Some of the
injections were free but I still ended up paying over £200 for rabies and ‘Hep
B’ and on top of this my anti-malarial tablets cost over £300. I must admit that at one time I did wonder
whether it would be better for the school for me to stay at home and simply
send a cheque. Finally there is the cost
of the visa to actually enter the country and I have been very lucky that the
local immigration officer has not seen fit to levy the further cost of a
volunteer visa onto my load as this in itself is several hundred pounds. He did say he was coming to school during my
first week and then didn’t turn up, so since then I have tried to stay as
invisible around Pangani as any 6ft 2in mzungu can.
What do you bring? As
far as the school is concerned, anything is helpful. Basic pens, pencils and rulers are freely and
cheaply available locally but even so are given as rewards for excellent work,
especially in the tests. But outside
this, mathematical instruments, staplers, and the like are difficult to get
hold of; even graph paper is a luxury and I bought a pad in Dar es Salaam to
give a sheet each to my students for their exam. As far as personal things, the
most useful things I have brought with me are bin liners and food containers. The food containers are indispensable for
keeping the little treats you allow yourself dry in the atmosphere here, and both they and
the bin liners can keep food free from the myriad of ‘creepy crawlies’ that
want to share my food every day. Bin
liners are also very useful for collecting washing both clean and dirty. Either bring or buy a small flask. I’m an early rising shaver so to have a flask
of hot water, half for a shave and half for an early coffee has been a real
treat. The flask is then filled again
for me for when I return from school and can sit outside my room and enjoy
another cup.
A good first aid kit goes without saying. Thankfully, apart from my bike spill on the first day, I haven't used much of it apart from the antiseptic wipes which I have used every time I've even scratched myself, and with the thorn bushes I cycle past, the limestone I clamber over and the insects bites I occasionally scratch away, I'm reaching the end of my supply.
A good first aid kit goes without saying. Thankfully, apart from my bike spill on the first day, I haven't used much of it apart from the antiseptic wipes which I have used every time I've even scratched myself, and with the thorn bushes I cycle past, the limestone I clamber over and the insects bites I occasionally scratch away, I'm reaching the end of my supply.
I have taken Cliff’s advice about what I carry around with
me. If I don’t need it that day, I leave
it at home. This goes for bank cards,
spare money, documents etc. They are
locked in my suitcase in my room. At
home, like many people, I walk round with a wallet containing club cards that I
haven’t used for years, but over here I carry the minimum. Obviously Pangani is different to Dar es
Salaam. Once again, taking Cliff’s
advice, I split any money I have into different pockets when in Dar and my
camera and phone are well out of sight.
In Pangani I don’t take such precautions and certainly have never felt
threatened in any way.
You need strong footwear.
I came here with two pairs of trainers and am going home with one pair
that will be thrown away as soon as I have replaced them. The rough limestone roads really take a toll
on footwear. How the locals manage with
their flip flops I don’t know. It is
good to get out of my trainers at the
end of the school day into shorts and flip flops but I must admit that once the
sun goes down I am back into a full covering and my roll on ‘No Bite’ comes
into its own.
The first weeks I seemed to still be getting bitten but as
with most things I seem to have got on top of this. As I have just said, in the evening there are
no inviting stretches of ankle or leg for the mosquitos to attack and then when
I go back to my room, I hold my breath, blitz the place with fly spray,
especially the dark corners under the bed, table and chairs, before dashing
outside and sitting to read for ten minutes.
My mosquito net is tucked under the mattress on three sides and after
switching off all the lights I use the torch on my phone to get to bed and tuck
the remaining side under. Touch wood, it
is now several weeks since I have been obviously bitten.
The YMCA is very particular about hygiene at meals and
before I sit down for my dinner I am presented with a boiling hot flannel,
which takes some juggling to start with, but at other times of the day I still
take it seriously, even if, on occasions, this means simply pouring some
bottled water over my hands. Certainly at Mr Masui’s, one of his nieces has
come with a jug and bowl both before and after the meal to pour water over my
hands so that I can wash. Whether it is
down to this regime or simply by good luck, but I have survived my stay without
any ‘tummy trouble’ apart from the bloated feeling sometimes after one of
Vicky’s ‘small’ helpings.
Learning some of the language is essential as, if nothing
else, it shows good manners, but it is equally important to realise that for
some people the chance to practise, and show off, their skills in English, is
also important. Sometimes I found myself
answering a very polite, “Good morning, sir.
How are you?” from a young Norwich City fan, with a similar greeting in Swahili
when, I quickly realised, that what they wanted was a reply of, “I’m very well
thank you and how are you?”
You must also accept the fact that you will mentally
wrestle, or certainly I did, as to whether you are there for the benefit of the
students or to satisfy some need within yourself. I finally realised that the answer was, both,
but if the end product was that the students and school received help that they
needed then this was acceptable. For the
experience to be a successful one, you don’t need to sleep on the floor wearing
sack cloth and ashes and eating only ugali and beans. Having said that I would really recommend
taking every opportunity offered to at least sample the local lifestyle. My memories would be incomplete if I had
missed leaking basis, daladalas, chai and chapattis with Mr Masui, and the
‘bagia’ ( a deep fried dough of dengu flour) that Matron gave me to eat. As you have seen the YMCA is hardly a tough
life but I have tried very hard not to live within a western bubble.
Finally, as I prepared for the journey out here, Paul handed
me the birthday present that he and Chez had purchased, for me. ‘A
Kindle’. Over the last couple of years
I’d seen people sat at the side of swimming pools with these strange flat
objects and thought of them as posers.
How wrong I was. My Kindle has
been my life saver. Tanzania is a
country where nothing is rushed, and the ability to pull a new novel out of
your pocket and pass the time reading, knowing that if you finish that one
another book can be downloaded for sometimes as little as a few pennies, is
priceless. And as a postscript, the word
download reminds me of another useful thing. In my computer case I packed two
USB extension cables and they have been indispensable. The best signal for the internet ‘dongle’ is
just outside my room and at night this means being surrounded by the flying
brigade attracted by the screen. So much
more comfortable to slide my cables under the door and attach the modem propped
on the chair outside, whilst using the computer inside my room.
P.P.P.S. Always raise
the toilet seat before you take a shower.
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